7 Design Disasters and How to Fix Them

They stalk the suburbs, they blight our inner cities, they’re a scourge on the homes of so many families… They’re decorating disasters. They’re all around us, ruining homes, killing vibes, and just generally sucking.

We’re sure you don’t want to fall victim to any of these dastardly pitfalls, so read on to find out what they are and, if it’s too late, how to rectify them.

Mistake: Outdated design

Be mindful of trends and fads in design. Many come and go a lot faster than you can afford to redesign your home. For example, bland hardware with bright cabinet colors are a surefire way of dating your design. Other trends such as brass or chevron also act to date your home. Know that some past design trends need to stay in the past.

Solution: Modern hardware

Go for modern, contemporary pieces that are timeless. New cabinets with sleek metal or chrome plating can really spruce up a room with a style that’s built to last. Or you can go for TV stands, side tables, and bookshelves with a unique modern flare that can really go a long way in updating a room with a dated feel.

Mistake: Overdecorating the home

Decorating feels good. Customizing feels great. But there has to be a point when you stop and say to yourself, that’s it! Without this restraint, your spaces may seem overly decorated, which can make a room feel stressful and cluttered.

Solution: Go minimal

It’s simple… have less stuff! Minimalism is all about embracing a clean, uncluttered aesthetic that promotes serenity. So that means you should hide any knickknacks and mementos that you feel don’t contribute to the look. Embrace storage solutions for anything you feel makes the space look crowded.

Mistake: Lazy lighting

Everyone knows bright homes are generally a good thing, but it’s not as simple as simply installing bright overhead lights and calling it a day. In fact, harsh white light can often be just as unpleasant as a dark and dingy room. These harsh glows mean you miss out on all the fun and positive effects you can get from proper lighting.

Solution: Light it up

Aim for a mixture of ambient lights to help greatly improve the overall atmosphere of your home. Mix and match different types of lights, from table lamps to floor lights. You can consider installing dimmer switches to create more natural lighting as well. What’s more, candles can be a great way of adding character.

Mistake: Single color room

You’d be surprised how many times you see people paint their room a single color. Why? You don’t want to make your home look like a 60s black and white movie with everything monotone…have some fun with it!

Solution: Embrace color

If you don’t like too many colors then at least consider a two-color combination. If you would like to have more, but don’t want to mess up then it’s a good idea to consult a color chart and try out some different swatches. Careful not to go too far the other way and have too many colors though, three seems like a good number of colors.

Problem: A neglected entrance hallway

The first impression for guests entering your home is the hallway, but people often leave their hallway dirty or undecorated, creating an awful impression. A boring, drab hallway gives your guests no impression of your unique personality.

Solution: Spice it up

Make sure you keep your space tidy and well decorated. You can achieve this by placing stylish mirrors, indoor plants, or maybe some artwork. This is a good way of making your hallway feel complete.

We hope these tips help you create a brilliant home that reflects you and your unique personality. Have fun!

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